With this workshop your candidates will be provided the skills they need to succeed. By identifying prospective managers early and identifying a clear management track, your company will prosper and thrive with a solid development structure. Becoming a new manager can seem like a daunting and challenging task. To overcome these hurdles create an environment where employees know what is expected of them.
With our How to Develop New Managers course your participants will gain the support, best practices, and knowledge. This workshop will help your company develop well rounded, fair and confident managers. By identifying early you will be able to groom prospective candidates and provide the best chance for success.
Developing New Managers Course Outline:
Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Managers are Made, Not Born
Module Three: Create a Management Track
Module Four: Define and Build Competencies
Module Five: Managers Learn by Being Managed Well
Module Six: Provide Tools
Module Seven: Provide Support
Module Eight: Identify Strong Candidates Early
Module Nine: Clearly Define the Management Track
Module Ten: Empower New Managers
Module Eleven: Provide Growth Opportunities
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
Includes Many Practical Scenarios, Exercises & Role Play in this 1 Day Practical Developing New Managers.
Best suited for Individuals, Employees in Sales, Customer Service, Purchasing, IT, HR, and other departments in companies.
Next Available Schedule:
October 03, 2019
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