Marketing has changed dramatically over the last decade. Marketing is all about communicating, and the Internet has completely changed the way people communicate. The Internet is a marketer”s dream come true, especially with Social Media, as you have a low cost marketing tool that can reach a large audience.
Internet Marketing Fundamentals will provide your participants with a great set of skills to market your business online. Content is the king of Internet marketing, and your participants will need to know how to utilize your great content. If you want your business to grow then your participants need to understand Internet Marketing Fundamentals.
Internet Marketing Fundamentals Course Outline:
Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: SWOT Analysis in Marketing
Module Three: Marketing Research
Module Four: Real Time Marketing
Module Five: Brand Management
Module Six: Social Media (I)
Module Seven: SEO Basics
Module Eight: Social Media (II)
Module Nine: Website Characteristics
Module Ten: Capturing Leads
Module Eleven: Campaign Characteristics
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
Includes Many Practical Scenarios, Exercises & Role Play in this 1 Day Practical for Internet Marketing Fundamentals Training.
Best suited for Individuals, Employees in Sales, Customer Service, Purchasing, IT, HR, and other departments in companies.
Next Available Schedule:
October 05, 2019
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Available for Customized Corporate Training at Your Office. Contact Us for more information!